About FLS

The Farbleitsystem (Colour Guide System)

Since 2009, a uniform and consistent Farbleitsystem (Farbleitsystem) is a Colour Guide System for schools has been in use throughout Germany. Many boroughs and school districts have made this system the standard in primary and secondary schools and colleges. Due to the simplicity and modular concept of this system, the FLS has been found to be very popular in every day use among teachers, pupils and visitors.
Ambulance services, fire brigades and police forces find this system saves time by providing accurate orientation within school complexes, allowing for immediate response to accidents and emergencies.

Orientation board
The first overview of the buildings within the school complex is provided by the orientation boards, situated in the outer areas of the schools. These provide information of the building positions and accessibility, using standard colours across all schools.

Entrance area
Coloured labels with integrated arrows on the main entrance doors give instant and understandable directions and information about the buildings within the school complex before visitors enter the first building.
Room plans are situated in the entrance hall, providing a detailed overview of the individual rooms and their positions

Wall markings
Additional orientational aid is provided throughout the interior of all buildings, using wall markings which show the way to other areas of the building.

Further elements
The Colour Guide System is constantly maturing to include new components to include requests from schools, authorities and emergency services.

Door labels
The main component of the CGS are door labels, which are have the same colour as the building and have the room and floor number clearly visible.
The numbering of the rooms is universally consistent, always being in order, one room number logically following the next.
Door labels are situated both on the outside and the inside of the doors, ensuring that persons within a room know which room they are in when requesting aid.


Apart from our Colour Guide System for schools and public buildings (FLS), we develop individual guide systems and signage for commercial customers and communities. Through our many years of experience in this field, we can develop or optimize guide systems for all instances
The CGS serves as our basis, which has been optimized in regard to cost/use calculation.
Of course we can incorporate further principles of other guide systems. Apart from the guideline principle and the buoy principle, we can incorporate an integrated guideline and information system. These added components extend the capabilities of the CGS.

Our Services (apart from FLS):

  • Consulting in the effective use of orientation systems in and around buildings
  • Optimization of communication in existing orientation systems
  • Signage of entry and facades to customers' specific Corporate Identity
  • Visual representation of layout plans and designs in 2D and 3D
  • Development and production of digital orientation systems
  • Revision of fire and escape plans
  • Development and graphic design of informative icons (also to suit the specific CI of the customer)
  • Production of info-graphics and diagrams
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